Thursday, July 29, 2010

Keys Night Out

Our staff celebrates summer each year with a night out at a Frederick Keys game with our families. Mark your calendars for Friday, August 27th, at 6:45pm, when I throw out a ceremonial first pitch before the Key's game. Roy Rogers and the Plamondon family of Frederick are providing free side dish giveaways to my patients and friends who attend. I will hand out coupons immediately after throwing out the pitch before the game. So don't miss this fun night of baseball, and bring your friends, because there is also a fireworks display at the end of the game. I'll be looking for those grand slam smiles!!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010


A great team spends time together to get to know each other outside of the work environment. This is what our team does. We have various activities, lunches, dinners, seminars, leisure travel, etc. spread through the calendar to keep us sharp, motivated, and happy to be working with each other. Not only does this "down time" help to relieve a lot of stress, but it also rejuvenates the mind and body, especially our spa package trips in the cold winter. We always try to be our best for you.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summer vacation can be a challenge

Summer vacation can be a challenge to many orthodontic patients. The daily routine of bathing, dressing, flossing and brushing usually becomes somewhat eratic when our regimen becomes varied and more flexible. Vacations, sleepover or late nights in the hood can lead to a relaxation of good brushing, flossing and daily flouride rinse. In fact, gingivites

usually peeks during summer and holiday vacations. Swollen, bleeding gums with heavy plaque can lead to gum recession, bone loss and white spot lesions over all teeth. Thats why we must keep up the discipline even in the summer. Straight teeth with multiple spots can not be the end results just because of a few weeks off.Power to u and the "Grand Slam Smile".

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

2th Sh8d

Beautiful brite white teeth are not necessarily achieved by gr8 brushing or special 2thpaste. 2th color is present inside the 2th structure or m8trix. Yes, that's right, m8trix, or the organized molecular structure deep in the enamel layer of the 2th. Color or shade is often inherited from the parents, and can also account for those brown or splotchy colors that are often noticeable in certain unfortunate cases. It's important to find out if the parents are thinking that the children are not brushing enuff when it may be a completely different situation. In fact, natural 2th shades often darken over time. Next time: different whitening techniques used in dentistry.